Gradle references the level project

 Gradle is a very powerful tool. Many multi-project management teachings on Gradle on the Internet are not written very complicated, or they are wrong.

Suppose we have a main project, lab-springboot, and another parallel sub-project called library1. The main project will call the sub-project's library. The directory structure is as follows and can be placed in any directory:


This tutorial demonstrates how to use eclipse to create a Gradle project with such a structure.

First, add a SpringBoot project. Of course, eclipse must have Spring related toolchain installed. Select Spring Boot→Spring Starter Project, and select Gradle as Type:

Next, add a sub-project library1, select Gradle→Gradle Project:

After the construction is completed, eclipse will display two projects, which are also equal in the physical save path.

Change in library1 and change someLibraryMethod to static.

public class Library {
    public static boolean someLibraryMethod() {
        return true;

Next is the highlight, modify the settings.gradle in lab-springboot, add the includeFlat command: = 'lab-springboot'
includeFlat 'library1'

Modify the build.gradle of lab-springboot and add a line of compile:

dependencies {
        compile project('library1')

	implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'
	testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'

Then use eclipse's refresh gradle project function, expand "Project and External Dependencies" and you will see that library1 has been correctly referenced.

Open to modify the code and test it:

public static void main(String[] args) {
	boolean value = Library.someLibraryMethod();, args);

Lab-springboot can compile correctly and use library1 code.


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